◉ Introduction to Performing Arts: Overview of different art forms – Music, Dance, Drama
◉ Music Theory: Basics of musical notation, rhythm, and scales
◉ Dance Techniques: Introduction to classical and contemporary dance forms
◉ Acting and Drama: Basic acting techniques, improvisation, and character building
◉ Stagecraft and Production: Understanding the technical aspects of stage production, lighting, and sound
◉ History of Performing Arts: Exploring the evolution of music, dance, and theater
◉ Artistic Expression: Developing personal expression and creativity in performance
◉ Advanced Choreography and Dance Performance: Mastery of dance techniques and performance skills
◉ Directing for Stage and Film: Learning how to direct performances and productions
◉ Music Composition and Performance: Advanced study of music composition and live performance
◉ Drama and Playwriting: Writing scripts, creating performances, and directing plays
◉ Theater and Dance Production: Hands-on experience in producing and managing performances
◉ Performance Analysis: Critically analyzing performances and improving your craft
◉ Stage Management: Learning the logistics and management behind a performance or production
Specialization and Advanced Performance
◉ Master Classes with Industry Experts: Learning from established performers, directors, and choreographers
◉ Solo Performance: Preparing for and performing a solo act (music, dance, or drama)
◉ Public Performance: Organizing and participating in live performances for an audience
◉ Career Management in the Arts: Navigating the arts industry, self-promotion, and networking
◉ Internship: Real-world experience in a theater company, dance troupe, or music ensemble
◉ Final Project/Dissertation: A creative project or research paper related to your chosen art form, showcasing your learning
◉ Workshops and Master Classes: Interactive sessions with professional artists, musicians, and choreographers.
◉ Stage Performances: Involvement in live performances in music, theater, and dance.
◉ Internships: Practical experience in performance companies, theaters, and production houses.
◉ Collaborative Projects: Group projects where students will work together to create and perform art.
◉ Field Visits: Visits to theaters, festivals, and cultural events to observe live performances.